Spooky Bars of New York City
Published: October 29th, 2018Enjoy Spooky New York City with us while we take you through some of our favorite haunted bars and restaurants to help bring in the festivities of the Halloween season. OooooooooOooooooo…

Photo Credit to @bigaok
Ear Inn: Stop in and enjoy a beer at one of NYC’s oldest drinking establishments. After opening its doors in 1817, the unnamed bar didn’t let prohibition slow them down. Often called, the Green Door, the bar became in an infamous watering hole for sailors all over the world. Not until the 1970’s was the bar named the Ear Inn. It is said that there are quite a few lost souls who reside here while waiting for their ships to come into the pier for the last 100 years or so. Perhaps the spirits have read the rave TripAdvisor reviews on this place and simply refuse to leave. Does this make you think “Spooky New York City”?

Photo credit to @oneifbylandnyc
One if by Land Two if by Sea: Step in to what was once Aaron Burr’s carriage house and you will be transported to a classic restaurant and bar which has been often cited as the most romantic restaurant in New York City. Aaron Burr and his daughter Theodesia are rumored to be the most famous ghosts inhabiting the former carriage house. Ladies are often warned to check for their earrings when sipping cocktails at the bar. This is one of the many practical jokes you can expect to encounter when dining with the former residents. This one will surely have you thinking “Spooky New York City” whilst you enjoy Halloween.

Photo credit to @frauncestavern
Fraunces Tavern & Museum: If you’re looking for spooky Halloween fun, this might be the place to grab a bite and a bit of history. On Halloween, the museum is offering guided Halloween inspired tours with the price of the regular museum admission. Fraunces Tavern was host to an elaborate dinner just one week after the British Troops had evacuated New York. It is said that on this night, General George Washington delivered a heartfelt speech and farewell to his officers. Employees and patrons have claime to hear footsteps and keys rattling. A paranormal investigator even claims his video equipment was mysteriously turned off.

Photo credit to @campbellapartment
Campbell Apartment : Founded by John Campbell, the Campbell Apartment served as a salon where he and his wife would host lavish get-togethers. After his death, the building became a jail and even storage to house guns. Staff have encountered some very strange occurrences while serving patrons through the years. Gusts of cold air, light pushes and even sightings of an older couple enjoying a cocktail on the balcony.